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Trivia gay bar seattle

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Upscale sports bar with 18 flat screens play all sporting events (between Broadway & Church St.) New York, NY. The Beekman shows all NBA games, all Knicks, Rangers, Devils and Islanders games.īeckett’s Bar & Grill: 81 Pearl St. Irish pub & sports bar with 10 flat screen TV’s throughout the bar, featuring Direct TV. Sports Bars NYC: MurphGuide Directory of the Best Sports Bars in New York City In our continuous efforts to “connect the fun to the fun people, here is our MurphGuide Directory of NYC Sports Bars and places to watch sports in NYC.

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Picture the scene: large screen HDTVs, chicken wings and/or some of your favorite bar snacks, ice cold beer, strangers high-fiving strangers when your team scores, euphoria if your team wins. The best place to watch a game (if you don’t have tickets), is in a sports bar with your fellow fans.

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